Privacy & Data


Thank you for visiting the CCearring website, owned and provided by Dongguan Youboda Technology Development Co., Ltd.

We’re serious about your privacy and hope this policy explains everything you need to know in terms of how we collect, use, share and store your personal details.

All the details in this policy apply to any information that we collect from you, or is provided by you, on our website and other forms of communication such as email and telephone.

By accessing or using the website, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, which is integrated into our general terms of use.

If you have any questions about how we use your data, please just get in touch.


We may collect information about the devices you use to visit our site and how you chose to visit us and what you did on our site. For example, we may track which pages you visited and whether you used Google to reach us.

We may collect information within what you send us or tell us when communicating with us. For example, we may collect your name and email address if you send them to us in a form on our site. We may collect any personal information stored in additional documents you may send us at this point.

We may collect information about any consents that you grant to us. For example, if you tell us that it is okay that we use cookies.

We may ask you for it directly

Sometimes we might ask you to provide us with information, such as when you are sending a query to our website. We may also ask you to sign up to our newsletter. The types of information we may ask for in this instance include your name, email address and telephone number.

When applying for a job, we may ask you to provide information such as your career or educational history.

We may collect it using cookies

We use something called “cookies” on our site to track some information about how you arrive at and use our website. This can include information such as your IP address and mobile device ID. See here for full details of our cookie policy.

When we collect personal data about you, with your consent, we will use it in the following ways:

to improve our website and the ways that we target our services and products to you on both our own site and others

to respond to your queries and provide you with the information you have requested

for admin purposes such as resetting your password and sending you updates to our terms of services

to process your job application

to contact you about products and services we think you may be interested in

There must be a legal basis for us to process your data. These are the bases on which we collect and process personal data about you:


When we ask for your personal information, we will always explain why and how we will use it and ask for your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by unsubscribing from our updates or contacting us directly.

Legitimate Interests

We only use your personal data in order to improve our communication and online experience for you and other people using our services. We understand that this can be a grey area and, if we rely on using legitimate interests to collect and store your data, then we will tell you what that is.

We have no intentions to sell your data to any third parties. If this situation ever changed then we would ask your permission in a separate, explicit consent communication request.

Your personal data will be held for as long as is needed for the purposes for which it was collected. In the instance where you delete your account, then we will remove all traces of personal data associated with it, in line with your “right to delete”.

When required or requested to do so, we may share your data with the following types of organisations:
Official regulators, fraud prevention officers and similar authorities
Any specific companies you may ask us to share your data with
When legally requested to do so or in our own response to legal proceedings or transfer of our assets during sale or business transfer
With third-party processors with your consent and explained in our Third Party Processors section

You have rights regarding how we collect, use and store your personal data. You may:

Request a copy of the personal information that we hold about you and how we process it.
Ask for any inaccuracies in your information to be amended

Ask for your personal information to be deleted, or amend your preferences for how it is used.

If you would like to know, delete or amend anything related to how we use your personal data, please just contact us. In the instance you are unhappy with you we have handled your personal information, you can also report this to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Please note, we do have the right to ask for proof of ID and/or charge a reasonable fee if the effort to source your data is extensive. Our policy is to supply, amend or delete your requests related to your data within 21 days but we may extend this timescale if necessary.


Under 18 year olds

Our website is not intended to be used by those under the age of 18. Therefore we do not knowingly collect information from children. If you are under 18 and using this website, please get permission from your parent and guardian with regards to the collection of your personal data.

We are serious about your data security and take appropriate steps to make sure your personal data is kept securely and accurately. This includes using compliant and reliable hosting services, secure protocols and encryption of data where required. Unless explicitly stated, all of our third party processors are resident within the EU.

We use a few relevant and assessed third party data processors. Most of these collect and store data via cookies and full details are available in our cookie policy. We also use a platform called Mailchimp, with which we send out our email communications to those who have shared their personal data with us. The Mailchimp(Privacy policy) can be viewed here.

Our privacy policy is reviewed on a regular basis so that we know it is up to date and compliant with any relevant data protection laws. Our Privacy Policy may be revised at any time and will be posted onto our website at the time.


If you have any questions or requests related to this Privacy Policy please send them to us.

Company Contact Information and Address:

Company Name: Dongguan Youboda Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Phone: +86 18928435743
Address: Room 201, No. 96, Longping West Road, Fenggang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong ,China
Customer Service Chat Hours: Monday-Friday: 12:00am to 12:00pm (GMT+08:00) China Standard Time (Shanghai)

Updated on January 3, 2024

Best Regards